Watching Rachel Grow

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Lil Boo

Our Lil Boo, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

This costume was last year's but it was WAY too big for our lil Princess. Thus the bumblebee costume (which was adorable - stinger and all). Baba has always loved Pixar's "Monsters, Inc.". The little girl "Boo" who Sulle nicknamed is perfect for our Rachel. When this Mom first watched that film - I thought of Tim. He was always the type who would watch children and not the type to want to be holding one. That is until our niece Anna came into our lives. I can still remember the first time he held Anna. He held her out at with arms straight and stiff - as if to say "what do I do with it?" Shortly after Anna won his heart over and he's never been the same. There's not enough room here on this entire blog to write how very much Tim loves Rachel and oh what a transformation this Mommy has witnessed with his becoming a Baba. So, Rachel is his lil Boo. Similar to how Boo won over Sulle won heart when she called him "Kitty".

"Happy Halloween Boo" 2008

Outside with Miss Michelle at Kindercare

We're waiting for the Halloween/Fall festival to begin. We are the earlybirds. They're munching on apples that Miss Michelle has cut up.

Rachel and Ava

Rachel and Ava best, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

Good thing we live in the land of actors and actresses. Because Rachel has learned to definitely ham it up for the camera :)

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"Mommy....I'm hot and want to hold you."

Rachel and Ava

Rachel and Jia, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

The beginning of the parade. The infants go first - then the toddlers.

Then the "Two's" Yay!!! Rachel won't walk alone - she has stage fright and a case of the Mommyclingys right now.

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And the parade goes on..........

What a parade!

What a parade!, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

The end of the parade. Yay says Rachel :)

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We're having wardrobe malfunctionings

"Mommy - let's just say that we did this and NOT!! I want out of this costume!"

Jia with her Baba and Rachel with her Mommy

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"Thank goodness I'm out of that costume!"

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Spaghetti and cupcakes. Yum Yum!

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Must be a good cupcake!

Must be a good cupcake!, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

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Here - let Mommy get that icing out of your eye....silly

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Halloween/Fall party at Kindercare 2008

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Going home................. It's been a long but fun day for all.

Lombardi Pumpkin Patch 2008

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Last year for those of you who have kept up with this blog - this pumpkin patch was on fire. It burned destroying most of the antique cars, pumpkin displays and etc that had been in the family for many years. This year it was/is bigger than ever before since we've been attending. We have gone almost every year now traditionally with Auntie Racquel and Mr. Kevin. What a fun day. Enjoy the pictures.

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We're feeling a little shy today.

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Princess won't dance - so Mommy dances with her.

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"There's just no cool and glamorous way to eat a caramel apple."

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What a great photo!

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"Okay, Mommy - just take the friggen picture already!"

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Okay, something tells this Mommy that we're in for a messy but fun day

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Yep! I was right!

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Rachel thinks it is funny when she throws the hay onto Baba while he eats his caramel apple. But, Baba is not as amused.

IMG_0030, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

Slurp slurp

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Auntie Rac had better enjoy this cararmel apple - because next week is major dental surgery for her lil mouth :)

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Rachel loves music! Where ever or when ever there is a band - she isnot shy and just goes right up to front stage and listens in and onoccasion - will shake her thang.

cropped, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Princess sees the geese and is doing her Quack Quack impression :)

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"Look Mommy!"

IMG_0042, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

"Here piggy piggy!"

IMG_0041, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

They're checking eachother out.

IMG_0047, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

IMG_0051, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

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Racquel & her oldest Gigi

Racquel & her oldest Gigi, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

Aren't teenagers fun?

Aren't teenagers fun?, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

What a FABULOUS day!

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"Almost to the top!"

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"Don't have a clue who the guy in the background is - but he sure messed up Mommy's perfect photo."

IMG_0065, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.