Watching Rachel Grow

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blurry - but not on the insides

IMG_0185, originally uploaded by burnett.tnk.

I debated on whether I should put this photo in or not - due to the quality. Rachel loves music! We were walking along the boardwalk and there was this band playing in this Mexican restaurant on the water. The dance floor was very tiny. She stopped us here outside of the restaurant's opening where the band & dance floor was visible. There was not one drop of liquid courage in either of us - but we had - I can promise you more of a good time than any of the others out on this tiny dance floor. This Mommy closed her eyes and listened to the music and felt this tiny heartbeat against hers while we danced. Rachel loves for me to hold her while I dance............we do this a lot around the house. She clung on so tightly I think because the music was a little loud - but she didn't want me to go. When I would head towards the door - she would grab on and say "No!". So, blurry or not - these to these two hearts everything is very clear............we're home at last in each others arms.

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