Watching Rachel Grow

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Big Day!!!

I slept very restlessly - so I got up especially early - anxious about the days events. I decided to sit out on the patio and write in the journal that I have been writing in over the past 2 years for Rachel to read one day. We both headed out to work and somehow managed to get through 1/2 the day. Our appointment was w/ Heartsent in Pasadena at 1:00 pm. Dad drove approx 90+ mph all the way there weaving in and out of traffic. His hands were sweaty and his breathing heavy. He was nervous. But once we met w/ Kerri and Maggi and saw Rachel's photo - it was a no brainer. All we wanted to know was "Where do we sign?!". Don't give up 28 months before the miracle.
Mom (Kimmy)


Venita Louise said...

Victor Hugo wrote;

Be like the bird
That pausing in her flight
Awhile on boughs too slight,
Feels them give way
Beneath her - and yet sings,
knowing that she has wings.

Always remember, your Higher Power has given you Spiritual Wings.

Rachel is absolutely adorable! She will be your most powerful teacher. And the angels sing!
Love, Auntie V.

TaiwanMommy said...

Well, I'm not going to quote Les Mis man, I'll leave the eloquent stuff to Venita.. but I'll tell you that I think Rachel has Daddy's eyes and Mommy's eye brows!

I'm so happy for you.. and I can't WAIT til she's in your arms!


Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell said...

The places you'll go, the people you'll meet....

I am so looking forward to hearing more. *laughs*

R... said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful and I'm so happy for you!

DonnaLynn said...

I am so happy for you both! All the relatives in Arkansas are anxiously awaiting her debute! You both will be wonderful parents and I am sure that God sent her to you at the perfect time in your life!

Bobbie said...

Kimberly, if I am correct, you will give her a strawberry ice cream cone! I am thrilled for you, and your Rachel.

There's a new game in town!

The Anglins said...

We are so happy for you. Anna cannot wait to see her beautiful cousin. I'm sure she'll be a very blessed little girl and by far the "best dressed" in CA.