Watching Rachel Grow

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Two "Oh My Goshes!!"

One morning I had sat the top to Rachel's highchair on the counter to clean it and forgot to put it back on. I was sitting on the couch in the Den when I looked over and noticed that Rachel was planted ever so perfectly in her highchair (without any help) and was trying to buckle herself in. She was quite take on the planes with Mommy's having to wear a seat belt and ever since is fascinated with buckles and figuring them out. Now the getting down from here was quite a different and not so easy task.

In these next two photos I was really amazed. One day Rachel was looking through this book in the photo and without my even having to tell her - she tried to the best of her ability to put it back on the bookshelf. Didn't quite make it - but I was so impressed when I walked into the room and saw this book here up in her stuffed animals. Me thinks that we won't have any problem with Rachel being organized. Mommy LOVES this!

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