Watching Rachel Grow

Saturday, January 26, 2008

"Hurray for Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies!"

Princess looooves her sweets. This Mom gives her very very little of it too - especially being a Dental Hygienist. But, during a weak moment Mommy bought and baked up some Toll House cookies for Princess. It was my Friday off and what better way to spend some quality time on a rainy & cold day with the light of one's life? Obviously Rachel liked them very much! We are very strict about her eating in the house. It almost always has to be either in her highchair or booster travel seat which I discovered works very nicely upstairs if she is hungry and I'm cleaning or doing somthing upstairs.

Here Rachel is signing & verbally saying "more?" with her hands. She knows quite a bit of sign and this really helps her and us to communicate better. She can sign the following: Mama, Baba, more, stop, sleep, gone gone, outside, book, cat, dog, horse, pig, water, milk, food or hungry, diaper, bath, thank you, no, yes.....and I forget the rest. Oh! She definitely knows Owee or hurt. She milks that one for sure!!! But, Mommy's kisses miraculously make all booboos much better.
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