Watching Rachel Grow

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Baba Assembling Crib Tent/Jail

Princess climbed up and over railing of crib during supposed-to-be nap-time yesterday. Gave Mom a heart attack!!!! For now - Princess sleeps in bassinet at foot of our bed. But, during day when Mom has to take a shower and THINKS baby is asleep - Rightstart provided the perfect solution: cribtent/jail. Cross you fingers........................

One more "some assembly required" down and a gazillion more to go Baba.
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1 comment:

Judy said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed ALL the pictures. However, it is so true that a picture speaks a thousand words. I have watched as a little closed-fist Rachel graduated to an open-hand and over-the-shoulder touch. I have seen various expressions such as anxiety and disbelief dissolve as they were replaced by "peace" and "confidence" and "relief". I know I have not commented on many of the pictures, but I do have many of them SAVED in my computer and have printed same and taken to work and shared them with many people. I am comforted by your JOY.

Love ya,
Aunt Judy