Watching Rachel Grow

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I have to tell you the story about this adorable jacket. I saw this (a used one - but supposedly in good condition) on Ebay last week and got into a bidding war for it. I left the house to go out to dinner where Kevin, Laura and I were planning a surprise Birthday party for Racquel. My phone alerted me that I had been outbid (I didn't feel it vibrate) even though I had bid very very very high before leaving the house. So certain that I would not lose this jacket. I got home to find out that I had been outbid by $1.00!!! I was so shattered for Baba who I knew would love to see his lil AR Razorback-fan-in-the-making in this jacket. I immediately ran another search for this same jacket and found to my luck only one and a BRAND NEW ONE!!! And even sweeter - it was for much less & not a soul was bidding on it!!! Fearing another bidding war - I waited til the last minute. Even set my timer after watching it alllllllll week for exactly one minute before the bidding ended. When my timer got down to less than 30 seconds - I confirmed my bid. Easy right? NOT!!! I had been on Ebay for so long that my Ebay session had timed out and I had to resign in and log in with my password. Now my hands are trembling I'm so nervous. God is getting me back for feeling so proud of myself for not only about to win a brand new one - but considering gloating about it to the woman who outbid me on the prior one that I lost. God does have a sense of humor. I won the bid against no one but myself and pride and NO I did not gloat to anyone afterwards at all!! I was just happy to have gotten it in less than 12 seconds folks!!! As a wise friend of mine says: "Look out - your right behind you!"

And by the way.................Baba almost fell off his step ladder in the garage when he saw Rachel in this..............Folks it is toooooo darn cute!!
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